18 Dec Yeah, there’s a day for that!
We’re back to get you guys planning ahead for the next couple months of observances and holidays and yes, there’s an entire month devoted to chocolate lovers! WE ARE IN! Take a look below and call My Smart Shirt to get your orders rolling for the new year (2015 is upon us, can you believe it?!?!?!)
January 2015
- 1st New Year’s Day
- 10th Save the Eagles Day
- 11th Amelia Earhart Day
- 17th Ben Franklin’s Birthday
- 19th Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 26th Australia Day
*January is also National Thank You Month, National Eye-care Month and National Book Month
February 2015
- 1st National Freedom Day
- 2nd Groundhog Day
- 8th Boy Scout Day
- 14th Valentine’s Day
- 16th President’s Day
- 17th Fat Tuesday
- 18th Ash Wednesday
*February is also Black History Month, Chocolate Lover’s Month and American Heart Month and lest you forget, the Superbowl happens this month to0