23 Oct Yeah, there’s a day for that!
I don’t know if you guys have looked at a calendar lately but there is a day for EVERYTHING! World toilet day? Yeah, there’s a day for that! Well, it got us thinking…some companies out there could really make great use of promotional products if they plan ahead for fun observances and holidays. Yes, even if the observance is for the porcelain throne…can I get an amen plumbers? To help you out we created this fun little list of upcoming dates and observances so that you can plan your promotions for the rest of 2014. Pick your day and then call My Smart Shirt to pick your product, we can’t wait to customize a toilet shaped stress ball!
November 2014
- 2nd End of Daylight Savings Time
- 4th Election Day
- 11th Veteran’s Day
- 19th World Toilet Day
- 27th Thanksgiving
- 28th Black Friday
December 2014
- 1st Cyber Monday
- 5th International Volunteer Day
- 17th Hanukkah (1st Day)
- 25th Christmas
- 26th Kwanzaa
- 31st New Year’s Eve