03 Oct Top Three Most Wanted Promo Products
Fuse and Monitor Share surveyed young adults to find out the most wanted promo products. Just so happens, we customize all three categories on the regular so let’s dive in shall we?
What’s not to love…they hold your stuff and they look cool! The top items in this category are backpacks, messenger bags and duffels so you can’t go wrong.
Eco-friendly/Sustainable Products
It just feels good to be good to mother earth so picking something like a reusable water bottle, solar phone charger or metal straw is going to go along way with this crowd.
Shocker…we know but people love a good t-shirt so go wild! V-neck, crew, short or long sleeve – doesn’t matter their gonna eat it up!
So…now that you know what’s hot, what are you going to order? Call soon, we can hardly wait to hear what you’re going to pick!